About Soft Tissue Augmentation

Dermal fillers safely and effectively address changes observed in the ageing face or bring more attractiveness to younger faces.

The art of dermal filling has changed from the filling of lines to the correction of the whole face. This is called Pan Facial Rejuvenation. The process known as soft tissue augmentation uses injectable filler materials to treat fine to deep wrinkles, folds and depleted volume in the face or hands. Dermal fillers enhance your natural looks by restoring your skin’s volume and revitalising your appearance.

Sometimes referred to as soft tissue enhancement, dermal filler injections take only a few minutes to perform and the cosmetic result are instant, natural and long lasting.

When a filler is injected into the area where the facial support has been weakened; any deep lines can be raised to the level of the surrounding skin. Skin texture, scars and smoothness will also be improved.

Where can fillers be used?

There are several types of Dermal Fillers:
Dermal Fillers with a smooth, soft consistency;
Dermal Fillers with granular consistency;

Dermal fillers are made of a substance that already naturally occurs in the skin and is a very important component of skin structure. These fillers come in different densities and consistencies and their job is to replace hydration at different layers of tissue that has diminished with age or was insufficient to begin with, as is the case with thin lips.

Higher density Dermal Fillers are used to give a foundation to the face and then topped with less dense filler. This is a layering technique your Cosmetic Physician will implement in order to achieve immediate, as well as natural and long lasting results, which last up to 18 months.

Your Cosmetic Physician will choose the perfect formula, or combination of formulas, that best suit your skin’s needs.

No preparation time is required with facial fillers, though the patient may request topical numbing ice packs or numbing cream prior to the procedure.

Bruising may occur at injection sites. Patients should avoid Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Vitamin E supplement or fish oil prior to the procedure.

The procedure may take between 15-30 minutes. You should be able to resume normal activities upon leaving the clinic.

All facial fillers used at River City Cosmetic Medicine Clinic are safe, long lasting, TGA and FDA-approved.

Dermal fillers are a low risk, high quality product and have been successfully used for over a decade to enhance people’s looks in a natural and safe way.

Dermal fillers in combination with Muscle-relaxing Injections provide a natural, long lasting result and this combination is highly recommended.

The most important aspect in facial rejuvenation is to achieve a natural look.

Prices start from $350

Next Generation Filler Volume and Contours

This next generation filler works with the body to enhance facial tissue and encourage tissue regeneration. It provides both immediate and extended results. Initially the filler helps to fill the wrinkle, line or fold. As the gel begins to dissipate, the filler forms something akin to a “scaffold”, stimulating soft tissue enhancement and encouraging tissue growth in and around the treatment area.

This filler is biocompatible and naturally absorbed by the body over time. This filler treatment also provides smoother skin texture after a period of several months due to the soft tissue regeneration.

What is the filler used for?

There are few reported side effects and these are commonly associated with injection of all types of filler materials. These may include swelling, bruising, pain, itching and tenderness at the injection site. The side effects are typically resolved within a few days.

Next Generation Cosmetic Filler Summary:

  • Immediate correction of moderate to severe wrinkles
  • Stimulates the body’s own natural enhancement
  • Replaces volume loss, reshapes face
  • Volumises and rejuvenates Hands
  • Feels soft and looks natural
  • Provides results that last a year or more in many patients
  • Allows an easy and convenient procedure as the patient is quickly back to normal activities

Natural Volumising Injections

This natural volumising filler is a unique product quite from other Dermal Fillers as it works exclusively by stimulating the body to create new looking skin. Therefore, unlike other injections, it does not produce immediate results. Although the body begins to respond immediately, it takes a few months before the skin starts to feel thicker, hollows begin to diminish, wrinkles begin to disappear and lost volume is gradually restored.

The result is usually visible after a few months. Most patients will need 2-5 treatments to achieve optimal contouring that will often last up to 2 years or more. The improvement can be so gradual that some patients will not perceive them: however, comparing ‘before’ pictures with ‘after’ pictures often reveals significant differences. To sustain the positive results of these injections, patients should return for touch up treatments periodically.

A facial assessment of the different regions of the face from both a frontal and lateral view should initially be made. In applying the rules of prevention, beautification and restoration, areas that need treatment should be identified and a treatment plan developed. This plan should include relaxing the necessary facial muscles with relaxing injection treatments and correcting volume loss with fillers in the upper, mid and lower face.

This specific natural tissue augmentation filler injection is recommended for the management of facial lines and wrinkles. It is also recommended for treatment of the loss of fat beneath the skin that sometimes causes sunken cheeks, indentations and hollow eyes. It is typically used to correct wrinkles by buttressing them, rather than filling them, as well as helping fill concave facial areas. In addition, the unique activities of this product improve the thickness of your skin, as streaky thin skin texture becomes smoother and looks more youthful. A volumising effect can assist in restoring facial volume, resulting in a fuller, younger looking face.

The most commonly reported side effects might include temporary injection-related events at the site of injection, such as tenderness or discomfort, redness, bruising, or swelling. Side effects may also include the delayed appearance of small bumps under the skin in the treated area. Generally, these bumps are not visible and may only be noticed when pressing on the treated area. This side effect is usually minimized or alleviated by a thorough massaging of the treated area immediately following administration of the product.

The most important aspect about your facial makeover is achieving a natural look

Every face is different and ages uniquely.

Other treatments

Cosmetic filler can be placed just beneath the lateral side of the eyebrow, resulting in a subtle lift. This will provide a more youthful, friendly and open appearance of the eyes.

Cheek augmentation and volumisation can be used to contour and restore lost volume to the cheekbone area to give you a more youthful appearance. It can also be used to fill hollow and sunken cheeks.

Cosmetic filler can be used to effectively smooth and fill the lines that run between the nose and outer corners of the mouth.

This groove accentuates the appearance of the jowl along the jaw line. This unique filler can be used to effectively smooth and fill this area.

Cosmetic filler can be used to contour and strengthen the definition of the chin for a more structured jawline.

Temporal Volumisation can restore lost volume to areas such as the temporal hollows, which can appear sunken over time.

Nose Reshaping can be used to smooth and correct imperfections of the nose giving you the perfect profile.

Over time, the loss of volume and definition around the mouth and lips can age the face. Can be used to smooth and fill the lines and wrinkles that appear here.

Oral Commissures can be used to lift he corners of the mouth, resulting in a natural and friendlier look.

The vertical lines that appear on the corners of the mouth can lead to a constantly sad expression. Our dermal filler smooths these lines, reducing their appearance.

Dermal Filler can be used to lift the groove between the chin and the lower lip, restoring smoothness to the area and reduce an exaggerated appearance of the chin.

Dermal Filler can restore lost volume on the back of the hands to make them appear fresher with a youthful firmness.